Awful day here , bad tempered dingoes , Pindan growled and snarled at me , ooook I say , yep he spat the dingo dummy This I think was due to an incident the day before ,when he was racing around in the paddock jumping up and using me as a spring board , I had turned to avoid him hitting me face on and ended up sticking my thumb in his eye , he yelled at me then , and refused to accept any apology, typical dingo behaviour.
Today he is on the stove top , having previously turned the stove hot plate on , I told him to get down , of course this request is not adhered to , so I went over and told him ,enough get down , ( with a very stern attitude ) needless to say he retaliated growled and snarled
What does one do ? One gets the spray bottle of water and spray him , now get down I say , with that he grumbles and gets down , time out pindan .
No point in engaging in a debate ,argument or forced action when handling dingoes , aggression begets aggression.
They seriously dislike being told what to do , although I always say please , he is just rebelling and reminding me i hurt him the day before , big sigh , they like to hold a grudge .